Frequently Asked Questions


Buy CloudSync and install it on your Windows or Mac. Connect your BodyMetrix data and that's it you're up and running. 

After you've signed up for CloudSync you will recieve an email with the link to install on your Windows or Mac. Follow the intructions to get setup in just a few minutes. 

CloudSync is build on Amazon Web Services(AWS) who use the same technology to power some of the largest organisations in the World.  Rest assured CloudSync is safe.

Install CloudStync onto as many Windows or Mac devices as you like. The CloudSync app will ensure that you always have the latest client data and ultrasound images whichever device you're on. 

CloudSync works on Windows and Mac to enable this you will need the Mac and Windows installer which are different.

We built CloudSync to work on Windows and Mac. The Windows installer is available via your welcome emails. It will have .exe at the end of the file name.  

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Becuase CloudSync is not installed via the Mac app store you may get a messaeg that says CloudSync is not secure. To resolve this go to settings and allow software not from the app store, shown below. 



Need help, no problem. Contact us at and one of our team will be in touch to help you out.